Thursday, September 18, 2008
! Mamma Mia!
I can't quite figure out what it is about Mamma Mia that she finds so "cheesey". Isn't Ewan McGregor standing on a metal elephant singing a song from the horrid Sound of Music cheesey??? Now dont get me wrong, I love Moulin Rouge, but comparitively speaking, they are pretty close to the same. So I have to assume that it is because I LOVE Mamma Mia, and ABBA that turns her off...after all, you can't be TOO much like your mom when you are just 14.
So, I am SOOOOO ready for the premieres next week. I am a Dancing with the Stars JUNKIE! I have picked the final two each season that I have watched it ( I have only missed season 1). Last year, I had to make due watching the episodes online with my crappy slow befuddled computer. Most of the time they would just start dancing good, and I would get "BUFFERING" and no dancing...this year, however, I have the new fangled DVR...where I can DVR 4, yes that is 4 F-O-U-R shows at once....yippee...just in time for tax season. I will be able to spend the summer catching up on my shows!
I am really frustrated that they canceled Men in Trees. I loved that show. I watched it for Patrick and Annie, Ben (the bartender) and his girl whatsherface. I even love Mi...Mom Mi to Patrick. But as all things tv that I love, they usually get filed in the circular file about the time I decide to watch them faithfully. I am glad that they are bringing back Private Practice. I love the chemistry between all the couples on that show, and Taye Diggs is just HOT!
Of course, Survivor is the show that I watch with my 11 year old. He still thinks reality tv with mom is cool...yeah 11 year olds!
I will say that some things better change on Grey's Anatomy, or I will be ditching them this year. I decided last year that I would give them the benefit of the doubt, so here it is...this is it!
My longstanding tv love affair is of course, and always will be with Days of Our Lives. I have watched that show on and off (mostly on) for 28 years. Yes, I started watching it with my step mother the summer I turned 9. She has long since stopped watching it, but I feel like the people in Salem, Midwest USA are actually PEOPLE I KNOW. Ok, so I'm not quite that bad, but it is faithful. It is always there for me, and they are way more messed up than me! I have tried to draw my 14 year old daughter into it, and she would rather sleep until 2 in the summer than watch my soap with me.....MAMMA MIA!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
It's Fall Planting Time!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
WII're back
So we are headed to the local Wal-Mart for eyeliner (my 14 year old), Body wash (my 15 year old) and a WII game (bday gift for the 11 yr old), and a Journey song comes on the radio. I am singing along, word for word, as I am a good teenager of the '80s, and my 15 year old son starts singing word for word beside me. Should I be offended or flattered? I thought my music was "oldies" I say to him. His reply? "It's JOURNEY mom, EVERYONE knows Journey." I thought about the music my mom listened to in the car with me. You know, those wonderful 8 tracks. I realized that some of that music, I consider MY music, not hers. I grew up on it. My son grew up on my music, so I guess that makes it "his". What I do know is this, I LOVE that he was sitting beside me singing Don't Stop Believing!!! These are the moments that I treasure. These, and everytime Dancing Queen comes on, I turn it up, sing at the top of my voice, and by the time my oldest two get married, I will have the coordinating dance!!!
Soak up every minute, even the ones that seem mundane. And when it seems like there is no common ground????? DONT STOP BELIEVING!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
You make that Gum Look GOOOOD!!
The Sophmore in High School...who has a date to Homecoming!!!! He messed up last year and waited too long...she didnt have time to get a she said no! This year, he listened to Mom, and asked with plenty of time for dress shopping!
The Freshman...I know...she doesn't look like a Freshman. She had just finished BAWLING due to severe nerves!
The Seventh Grader, and Step Daughter #1 She was actually excited for the first day!
My Fifth Grader! This is his last year of Elementary...and boy is he glad!
The fourth grader, and Step Daughter #2... She is anxious NOT to miss the bus!
This is the four year old (aka WHINER). This was his first day of 4 year old preschool and man was he excited...not nearly as excited as MOMMY!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Pain of Parenting
I have the torturous privilege of being a step mother. After the torturous privilege of growing up as a step daughter, you would think that I had it together. I don't. In fact, I firmly believe that being a step mother is much harder than being a step daughter. As a step daughter, you get that wonderful, euphoric feeling of invincibility...of never second guessing your decisions, because you are young and RIGHT. Not as an adult. As an adult we are more mature (hopefully) and have developed a conscience. We also look at things more long term than we tended to do as children.
This places me right smack where I the middle of "step motherdom". I have two step daughters...double the punishment??? As a step daughter, I was your typical "you're not my mom" kid. I think every step grows up pissed off that our parents aren't together, and we had NO CONTROL. I try to remember this when dealing with my step daughters. It isn't their fault. They had no control over their situation, just as I didn't. But they do have control over how they go forward. Unfortunately, they are children, and the easiest thing to do, is hate me. I hated my step mother. For everything she didn't do to me, and everything she did do to me. It hurts much worse as the step mother. The pain of the rejection from a child is much worse than the pain of the rejection of a mother. I have dealt with that rejection, and have moved forward. Children have the ability to hurt you worse than any other person in your life.
I am trying to love through this, although most days, when I am constantly being rejected, I just want to pack her up and ship her off. But I love her in a way that her own mother doesn't. And she knows this, which makes it even harder for her. I vow, here and now, that I will forge on with this. I will love her, even when she spits in my face. I will show her how a mother loves a child...she does not get this from her egg donor. That is the hardest part. Her mother is NO KIND OF MOTHER. This woman does not love these girls like a mother loves a daughter. I just keep that in mind, and understand the pain of being a step...mother and daughter.
I have a daughter of my own that I love beyond anything. I have the mother-daughter relationship with her that I didn't have with either of my moms. I have room for more...don't I?
Monday, July 14, 2008
I finally get one Dad!
One thing that really struck me as I watched my four babies ride the Finnish fling (the barrel ride that spins so that centrifugal force literally sticks you to the wall...only to have the floor fall out from beneath you) is that I remember my dad standing at the top of the barrel, watching me...laughing. It brought tears to my eyes, realizing that I thought I was the one having all the fun all those years ago. Standing there now as the parent, I realize exactly what my dad meant every time he said he had as much fun watching me as I had riding. I felt a new and different connection with my dad Saturday night. Not one of little girl/daddy. But one of parent to parent. Not all of my dads euphemisms have become clear to me yet, but I find that sometimes daily, I "get" a new one. My dad and I had a really great relationship. I hurt him terribly when I was 12, and he forgave me for it. One thing my dad never did was say "I told you so". I owe so much to him, and even though he is gone, I feel a renewed connection to him. I love you daddy.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Wildflowers and Romance In Full Bloom
I think I have finally come down off the high of the weekend. I spent an absolutely fabulous weekend with the hubby on a motorcycle trip where we planned nothing. We only knew when we were leaving and when we needed to be home. We ended up touring the bottom part of Missouri including the Ozark mountains, before we headed into Arkansas.
Being on a motorcycle is about the most intimate thing a couple can do together with their clothes on. It is just the two of you, one wrapped around the other, without the ability to turn your head away and look out the window. My hubby and I use this time to talk about all the things we dont have time to talk about Monday through Friday with six kids beckoning from every room of the house. The closeness we share while on a bike trip is amazing. It helps too that we dont have six sidecars with the kids tagging along.
We managed to find the prettiest, curviest roads in Missouri that were chock full of wildflowers. I love wildflowers, and so this was never-ending eye candy for me. We hiked two miles down a country lane that we didnt want to take the bike on, only to get to a pasture atop a hill that was home to a large portion of hubby's family graves. This little cemetery was delightful. Way back away from any sign of civilization (except the millions of cowpies we dodged to get there) nestled on top of the most gorgeous hill in Missouri, lies a small family cemetery. Hubby's grandparents and several aunts and uncles are buried here, and hubby hadn't been here since he was 7.
We ate at fun little hole in the wall, mom and pop shops that had great We stopped for ice cream cones at the local drug stores on the "square" that still had working soda fountains. On Saturday night we splurged and stayed at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs. This hotel is said to be haunted by numerous ghosts of residents of the past. We trekked that entire place several times, and somehow managed to miss them. But the ambience was the perfect end to a perfectly wonderful three days...complete with creaky floors, dark blustery thunderstorms, and an ancient claw-footed bath tub that managed to spray water EVERYWHERE including on the 15 foot ceilings.
The ride home Sunday was miserable, for two reasons. First, we knew we were headed out of "vacation land" back to reality, and second we were in full sun, and HOT! Now, it is enjoyable to ride, dont get me wrong, but in full sun for 6 hours sucks! Needless to say, we are sunburnt and sore by the time we get home on Sunday night. Would we do it again??? ABSOLUTELY! One thing going away for the weekend does is gives us time to reconnect, the other thing it gives us is the ability to concentrate on each other, and us. I would recommend to anyone, head out on a bike. If you dont have one, rent one! You dont have to be a "biker" to enjoy hitting the road on a motorcycle with the person you love most in the world! Ride on!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Whew...the Weekend is Over!
Sunday was a bbq in my honor...although the cooking and cleaning honor was all mine too. Go figure...six kids and I get ALL the honors. I am well and truly blessed...hurrumph.
When family comes knocking, do we have to open the door? Is it ever ok, or I guess guilt-free, to just say "nope, sorry, not today"??
There are two days this week that I AM looking forward to. The first being tomorrow...only coincedence that it is my birthday, and I get the best gift of all...I get to see a long time friend that I havent seen in 5 years, and meet her kids. And Friday. The hubby and I are jumping on our motorcycle, and heading south. No kids, no kids, and no KIDS!! Just the bike, some gorgeous scenery in Arkansas, and dare I say it? can guess the third aspect by the fact that there will be no KIDS. I'll leave it there.
Friday, June 27, 2008
I'm not a virgin anymore!!
Today I am enjoying the last day of watching two little boys. These two boys aren't "bad" kids, they just aren't MY kids, and it IS summer after all...and I tend to be happier in the summer...and let's face it....LAZY!! All I want to do is truck around the corner to my mom's house and jump in her pool. I am spoiled...I am married to a wonderful man that likes for me to be home with our brood...hmm..maybe I should reread that last sentence and REALLY think about what I just said...oh well...I get to be at home with our kids, and that includes a lot of video game playing, and tons of swimming. I have the rest of the summer to enjoy, then I am rejoining the work force. THAT is something I am looking forward to. I have been a homebody for far too long now. My oldest child Z is almost 16, and I have been at home pretty much since he was born. My youngest child J2 (as I have two names beginning with J) is just now 4 1/2. He is venturing off to preschool in the fall, and mommy is OUTTA HERE!!!
I look forward to meeting people here, and being met by people...maybe finding old friends, and definitely making new ones. For now, make a splash!!